
Showing posts from 2018


Meeting Place, and Time The next meeting of the Commonweal Local Communities will be held at St Dominic Church in Shaker Heights, Wednesday, January 9. 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Note the new time and date. Meeting Topic Join us to discuss the highly contentious issue of whether a divorced and legally (but not sacramentally) remarried Catholic, should, in some circumstances, be permitted to receive communion. Our resources will be the review of Catherine Kaveny's book, Ethics at the Edges of Law (October 19 issue of Commonweal), and additional notes on the chapter in the book that deals with remarriage and communion ("Second Chances and Statutes of Limitations"). Links for the review, entitled EMBODIED ARGUMENTS , is in the October 19th issue of Commonweal and to additional  material for discussion  SECOND CHANCES AND STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS (KAVENY) Eric Beversluis and Brian Toohey will lead the discussion. Meeting Place Directions St....


Here is some additional material from Kaveny’s chapter “Second Chances and Statutes of Limitations: Engaging Walter Kasper” for us to think about and discuss.    Amoris laetitia “appears to have opened the door to the reception of communion by people in that situation [divorced and remarried].” (221) -Cardinal Schöborn: “there is an organic development of doctrine” in the document. (221) -Cardinal Baldisseri: need to interpret the document in light of the pope’s emphasis on mercy. (221) Kasper argues that mercy is God’s essential nature , that mercy means the opportunity for second chances, and that these principles must govern the church’s teaching on remarriage and access to communion. -Kasper requires that divorced and remarried person must be “properly disposed”:      -sincerely sorry that they failed in the first marriage      -return to first marriage is definitely not possible      ...


  Meeting Place, and Time The next meeting of the Commonweal Local Communities will be held at St Dominic Church in Shaker Heights, Wednesday, December 12. 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Note different time and date. Meeting Topic Join us in the small meeting room to discuss how the traditions of legal reasoning can inform thinking about issues raised by the Church's moral theology. Our resources will be the review of Catherine Kaveny's book, Ethics at the Edges of Law, and additional notes on Kaveny's chapter dealing with remarriage and communion.  Links for the review, entitled EMBODIED ARGUMENTS , is in the October 19th issue of Commonweal and to additional  material for discussion  SECOND CHANCES AND STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS (KAVENY) Eric Beversluis, sometime philosophy professor, and Brian Toohey, attorney, will lead the discussion. Meeting Place Directions December 12th. 7pm - 8:30pm St. Dominic Church Small Meeting Room in the school (enter ...


A book with this title which includes “Is the World a Problem” was published by Doubleday in 1971 after Merton's death. The Image paperback edition published in 1973 has three sections including a section of five chapters on The Case for Eremitism which was sandwiched between the two sections of the currently available book of the same title published in 1998 by Notre Dame Press. In the 1973 paperback edition there is an editorial note by Naomi Burton who said that she had received the manuscript on September 10, 1968 a few months before Merton died. At the suggestion of Brother Patrick Hart the five chapters on the solitary life were included, however they are no longer in the Notre Dame edition.   PART ONE: Renewal of Life in the Monastic Milieu Merton wrote in the broad context of renewal at the time of not only monastic life, but also Catholicism, and even civic life here in American. Notre Dame reissued the book under a series title: Gethsemani Studies in Psychological ...


Meeting Place and Directions The Resurrection Room of Saint Noel Parish, 35200 Chardon Rd, Willoughby Hills, OH 44094. An overview of the Parish, and driving directions is provided by the following post: SAINT NOEL PARISH LOCATION Meeting Time and Format 6:00 pm hospitality hour for meeting new people, becoming reacquainted, and more deeply acquainted.  Discussion of our experiences with Merton and his effect upon people's lives. 7 :00 pm prayer: Betty Jeffries will lead us in prayer using Merton material. 7:15 - 8:15 pm  Discussion of the following articles:  IS THE WORLD A PROBLEM? Ambiguities in the Secular By Thomas Merton June 3, 1966 Is the world a problem? I type the question. I am tempted to type it over again, with asterisks between the letters, the way H*y*m*a*n K*a*p*l*a*n used to type his name in the New Yorker twenty years ago. And as far as I am concerned that would dispose of th...


A DAY WITH THOMAS MERTON AND FRIENDS November 17, 2018 Presented by Baldwin Wallace University and the Cleveland Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society, with a grant from the International Thomas Merton Society Sister Donna Kristoff OSU writes: Direct this info to all young adult groups, family members, high schools and colleges, churches and social service venues of which you are in touch. The day, including lunch, is free! We received a grant from the International Thomas Merton Society to assist the program. Please help us advertise this wonderful Merton intergenerational interchange! See web link above. HOW A MONK LEARNS MERCY Thomas Merton & the Rule of St. Benedict September 26, 2018 Luke Timothy Johnson writes: I have read Thomas Merton off and on since I was thirteen, and over those sixty years have gone through stages of admiration, emulation, disenchantment, and rediscovery. Like many other readers, I have been impressed by the impor...


Meeting Place and Directions The Resurrection Room of Saint Noel Parish, 35200 Chardon Rd, Willoughby Hills, OH 44094. An overview of the Parish, and driving directions is provided by the following post: SAINT NOEL PARISH LOCATION Meeting Time and Format 6:00 pm hospitality hour for meeting new people, becoming reacquainted, and more deeply acquainted.  Commonweal send out an E-mail on October 11th inviting readers in the Cleveland area to come to our October Meeting. How much time we spend becoming acquainted or reacquainted will depend upon how many new people show up.  At the last meeting it was suggested that we have prayer at our meetings, and that the responsibility for leading the prayer be rotated among members. We will become more acquainted by sharing what forms of prayer we have experienced, what we found helpful or unhelpful. Then we will try taking a more expansive and deeper view of prayer, e.g. finding God in all things. All this should be h...