Meeting Place, and Time The next meeting of the Cleveland Commonweal Local Community will be held at St Dominic Church in Shaker Heights, Wednesday, April 10. 7:00pm - 8:30pm. The meeting will be in the Youth Room on the second floor of the school building Meeting Topic: March 8, 2019 Issue BEYOND PERSONAL PIETY: THE LAITY'S ROLE IN THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH By Michael Sweeney, OP This article could be considered an advertisement for the THE LAY MISSION PROJECT We may want to discuss what we think of the project? While the author quotes several of the documents of Vatican II and of John Paul II, he does not even mention the Vatican II document which is exclusively focused on this topic, the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. It is an excellent framework for evaluating his article, and the project. See the separate post for a three page summary of this 22 page document in more accessible language: T...