Meeting Place, and Time

The next meeting of the Cleveland Commonweal Local Community will be held at St Dominic Church in Shaker Heights, Wednesday, April 10. 7:00pm - 8:30pm.  The meeting will be in the Youth Room on the second floor of the school building
Meeting Topic: 
March 8, 2019 Issue

By Michael Sweeney, OP

This article could be considered an advertisement for the 
We may want to discuss what we think of the project?

While the author quotes several of the documents of Vatican II and of John Paul II, he does not even mention the Vatican II document which is exclusively focused on this topic, the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity.  It is an excellent framework for evaluating his article, and the project. See the separate post for a three page summary of this 22 page document in more accessible language:

is Pope Francis vision of a missionary Church going to the peripheries
of course it is lengthy, we might want to focus on 
(the above is a direct link)
or even more narrowly on its subsection
III. The common good and peace in society
(sorry no direct link)
"becoming a people demands something more. It is an ongoing process in which every new generation must take part: a slow and arduous effort calling for a desire for integration and a willingness to achieve this through the growth of a peaceful and multifaceted culture of encounter.
Progress in building a people in peace, justice and fraternity depends on four principles related to constant tensions present in every social reality. Time is greater than space. Unity prevails over conflict; conflict cannot be ignored or concealed; it has to be faced. Realities are more important than ideas. The whole is greater than the part; an innate tension also exists between globalization and localization; we need to pay attention to the global so as to avoid narrowness and banality, yet we also need to look to the local, which keeps our feet on the ground. "

Lynn has much to offer the group, I have posted a link to her website on left side of our blog.
The following items may be of particular interest:

Meeting Place Directions

Saint Dominic Church is two blocks west of Warrensville Road and one block north of Chagrin Blvd, between Van Aken Blvd and Norwood Road, in Shaker Heights. The parking lot is accessed from eastbound Van Aken, across from the RTA station. It’s about two miles west of the Chagrin Blvd exit from I-271 and about 3 miles north of 480 via exit 25B to Northfield Rd.