
Showing posts from October, 2019


Gathering Topic: CAN THE CHINAMPAS SURVIVE? The Floating Gardens of Mexico City Place and Time: the Small Meet  Room at St Dominic, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. GATHERING FORMAT Opening Conversation : Synod of the Amazon Come prepared to share for about a half an hour what you know about the Synod of the Amazon which has been taking place in Rome during October.  The following post gives some links to information about the Synod.  ECOLOGICAL DISASTERS: ORGANIZING THE CHURCH Primary Conversation on the Featured Article: In many ways the ecological disaster of the chinampas in Mexico City is very similar to the larger and more divese problem of the Amazon. The Archdiocese of Mexico City was until about a month ago the large diocese in Catholic population in the world. It has been subdivided creating suburban dioceses in order for the auxialary bishops to be "closer to the people."  I suspect that means being better able to advocate for the...


Gathering Topic: DIVORCE, ANNULMENT & COMMUNION An Orthodox Theologian Weighs In David Bentley Hart   Place and Time: the Small Meet  Room at St Dominic, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. NEW GATHERING FORMAT Opening Conversation :    Come prepared to share briefly your reactions to one item in the September Issue or October Issue outside the featured article (e.g. comments, columns, short takes, art, screen, books, poetry, pictures, etc.). This format encourages everyone to participate and helps us to get to know each other better for about a half  hour..    There are a lot of interesting things in articles that we would not likely choose as our featured article.  Most of us do not read most issues from cover to cover. This may help bring to our attention items that we have missed. It can be used to find articles in the issues for possible attention in future meetings. Primary Conversation on the Featured A...


SYNOD OF THE AMAZON / FLOATING ISLANDS OF MEXICO CITY MONDAY OCTOBER 28, 2019 @ 7PM in RESURRECTION ROOM, ST NOEL The best description of the ‘organizing’ behind the synod of the Amazon is an article Pan-Amazon Ecclesial Network at center of synod preparations. The origins of the synod of the Amazon lie in the Fifth General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAM) in Aparecida, Brazel (2007). Cardinal Bergoglio was the lead writer of its document which spoke of deep concern for traditional communities, and the wealth of biodiversity in places like the Amazon.   Brazilian Cardinal Hummes sat next to Bergoglio in the conclave. As the decisive vote came in he said to Bergoglio “remember the poor” inspiring him to take the name Francis. Cardinal Hummes is the chief person guiding the documents   of Synod on the Amazon. Within a month of the ele...